There’s no such thing as a perfect parent. If truth be told, everyone is bound to mess up as a parent and make mistakes along the way. Let’s just hope our kids forgive us somewhere down the line.
In our defence – we REALLY didn’t mean it.

You’ll yell at your kid when you lose your rag
Well – they DO press all of our buttons!
You feel awful when you go from calm and patient mum to shrieking harridan but don’t beat yourself up.
Say sorry, give big hugs and rest assured that it happens. Especially when you’re worn out and running on empty.

You’ll make empty threats that you can’t see through
When our kids press ALL of our buttons it’s all too easy to make empty threats that we have no intention or carrying through.
You might say completely wild things like ‘If you don’t stop shouting then I’ll just stop the car and go home!’ when you know you really need to get where you’re going and have no intention whatsoever of turning back.
Say what you mean and mean what you say. Easier said than done when the red mist takes over!